Quartz Quartz
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Quartz (Ref: Q279)

Pasto Bueno, Pampas District, Pallasca Province, Ancash Department, Peru
97mm x 61mm x 32mm
minID: 6MT-709
Nice cluster of subparallel, highly lustrous, clear Quartz crystals, to 24 mm long, many doubly terminated. Only 1 very hard to see broken crystal. It is crystallized on both sides, was found circa 1999, and is very attractive.

ex. Carolyn Seitz collection

Data last checked on 15th Feb 2025 - specimen may no longer be available

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All photos for this item are copyright © Bob Griffis Minerals and may not be used for any other purpose without permission.

See Also

Hubnerite with Quartz
Pasto Bueno, Pampas District, Pallasca Province, Ancash Department, Peru
53mm x 32mm x 28mm
Huayllapon Mine, Pasto Bueno District, Pallasca Province, Ancash Department, Peru
31mm x 24mm x 17mm
Fluorite with Quartz
Huallapon Mine, Ancash Department, Pasto Bueno, Pallasca Province, Peru
42mm x 38mm x 32mm
Hubnerite with Quartz
Pasto Bueno, Pallasca, Ancash, Peru
90mm x 80mm x 60mm
Quartz ( pseudo. Aragonite ) with Pyrite
Alpamina Mine, Morococha District, Yauli Province, Junin Department, Peru
153mm x 95mm x 44mm
Huebnerite & Quartz
Huayllapon Mine, Pasto Bueno, Ancash Dept., Peru
90mm x 65mm x 39mm
San Cristobal District, Yauli Province, Junín Department, Peru
$84 *
78mm x 55mm x 40mm
Pachapaqui, Pachapaqui District, Ancash Dept., Bolognesi Province, Peru
65mm x 46mm x 38mm
Quartz + Siderite + Chalcopyrite.
Pasto Bueno, Áncash, Peru
$267 *
80mm x 79mm x 51mm
From: A Bijoux
Siderite and Quartz on Pyrite (replacing Siderite) with Stannite
Siete Suyos mine, Atocha-Quechisla District, Sud Chichas Province, Potosí Department, Bolivia
40mm x 26mm x 22mm
Quartz with Sphalerite and Pyrite
Animon Mine, San Jose de Huayllay District, Cerro de Pasco Province, Departmente de Pasco, Peru
111mm x 98mm x 43mm
Quartz ( var. Amethyst )
San Genaro Mine, Castrovirreyna District, Castrovirreyna Province, Huancavelica Dept., Peru
54mm x 26mm x 15mm
Seligmannite on Galena with Sphalerite and Quartz
Palomo Mine, Castrovirreyna Province, Huancavelica Department, Peru
$235 *
95mm x 90mm x 30mm
Hubnerite with Quartz
Pasto Bueno, Ancash Dept., Peru
75mm x 70mm x 45mm
Augelite on Quartz
Tamboras Mine, Mundo Nuevo, Huamachuco, Sanchez Carrion Province, La Libertad Department, Peru
$253 *
47mm x 25mm x 12mm
* price is an approximate conversion and may not be accurate.

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