
Mineral Specimens from Greenstone Fine Mineralia

Greenstone Fine Mineralia is based in Austin, Texas and owned by Brian and Jan Greenstone. We specialize in aesthetic and unique mineral specimens from around the world. Additionally, we make affordable and elegant custom mineral bases.
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Giant Pingwu Aquamarine
Pingwu Beryl Mine, Mount Xuibaoding, Mianyang, Sichuan, China
117mm x 132mm x 107mm
Blue Aragonite from China
Wenshan Mine, Yunnan, China
96mm x 46mm x 55mm
Fluorite on Quartz from Xiefang Mine in China
80mm x 86mm x 47mm
Calcite, Fluorite & Pyrite
Shangrao, Jiangxi, China
92mm x 117mm x 79mm
Shattuckite from DR Congo
Tantara Mine, Democratic Republic of Congo
104mm x 99mm x 46mm
Tourmaline, Quartz, Cleavelandite & Lepidolite from Pakistan
Sabsar, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
43mm x 34mm x 44mm
Fluorite from Yindu Mine, China
Yindu Mine, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia, China
70mm x 85mm x 39mm
Celestine from Afghanistan
Dara-e-Laman, Qala e Naw District, Badghis, Afghanistan
Blue Aragonite from Afghanistan
Helmand, Afghanistan
122mm x 86mm x 52mm
Emerald on Quartz w/ Pyrite from Colombia
La Pita Mine, Maripi, Boyaca Deptartment, Colombia
77mm x 49mm x 54mm
Rare Felix Mine Fluorite
Felix Mine, Azusa, Los Angeles Co., California, USA
65mm x 46mm x 54mm
Cobaltoan Calcite from Morocco
Bou Azzer Mine, Draa-Tafilalet Region, Morocco
54mm x 70mm x 45mm
Calcite on Galena from Sweetwater Mine
Sweetwater Mine, Reynolds Co., Missouri, USA
88mm x 85mm x 75mm
Kunzite, Cleavlandite & Tantalite from Afghanistan
Dara-e-Pech, Kunar, Afghanistan
43mm x 61mm x 39mm
Malachite from DR Congo
Mindingi Mine, Kambove Territory, Haut-Katanga, DR Congo
111mm x 151mm x 95mm
Fluorite on Quartz w/ Calcite & Zeolite from China
120mm x 110mm x 70mm
Fluorite on Quartz from India
Kishangarh, Ajmer, Rajasthan, India
65mm x 100mm x 41mm
Fluorite & Pyrite on Rhodochrosite from Peru
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca Dist., Ancash, Peru
86mm x 56mm x 51mm
Chalcedony on Scolecite from India
Chandanapuri, Maharashtra, India
62mm x 56mm x 34mm
Fluorite & Baryte from Berbes, Spain
La Cabaña, Berbes Mining Area, Asturias, Spain
136mm x 66mm x 63mm
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* price is an approximate conversion and may not be accurate.

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