Scolecite specimens
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Apophyllite with Scolecite
Jalisgoan, near Jalgoan, Maharashtra State, India
50mm x 40mm x 33mm
From: The Crystal Circle
Scolecite with Fluorapophyllite-K
Pune, Maharashtra, India
145mm x 105mm x 50mm
From: Weinrich Minerals
Scolecite with Fluorapophyllite-K , Laumontite
Pune, Maharashtra, India
180mm x 125mm x 65mm
From: Weinrich Minerals
Chalcedony on Scolecite from India
Chandanapuri, Maharashtra, India
62mm x 56mm x 34mm
Powellite (Fluorescent) and Apophyllite on Scolecite
near Nasik, Maharashtra, India
60mm x 20mm x 10mm
From: The Arkenstone