Smoky Quartz specimens
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Smoky Quartz with Byssolite.
Plan du Lac, Oisans, Savoie, France
$763 *
133mm x 66mm x 64mm
From: A Bijoux
Smoky Quartz and Epidote
Audrey Lynn Claim, Riverside Co., California, USA
80mm x 50mm x 40mm
From: The Arkenstone
Bertrandite & Smoky Quartz
Grupo Embeiral Quarry | Sezures | Penalva do Castelo | Mangualde | Viseu | Portugal
$1023 *
105mm x 41mm x 36mm
From: Wendel Minerals
Cassiterite with Quartz / Smoky Quartz Phantoms
Viloco Mine, Loayza Province, La Paz Department, Bolivia
68mm x 55mm x 37mm
From: Mineral Classics
Smoky Quartz
Divino das Laranjeiras, Minas Gerais, Brazil
129mm x 83mm x 26mm
From: Globe Minerals
Smoky Quartz Hematoide on Quartz.
Échassières, Allier, France
$153 *
55mm x 47mm x 47mm
From: A Bijoux
Fluorite & Smoky Quartz
Älpligletscher (Alpli Glacier) | Grimsel | Bern Canton | Switzerland
$1083 *
32mm x 30mm x 28mm
From: Wendel Minerals
Japan Law Twin Smoky Quartz
Hallelujah Junction, Mount Peterson, Nevada
From: Arkfeld Minerals
Smoky Quartz (closed Gwindel) on Granite
Obere Bielenluecke, Furka, Uri, Switzerland
80mm x 70mm x 50mm
From: The Arkenstone
Smoky Quartz
Dodo Mine, Puiva Mount, Saranpaul, Prepolar Ural, Western-Siberian Region, Russia
180mm x 90mm x 80mm
From: The Arkenstone
Smoky Quartz (Gwindel) with Quartz
Furka, Canton Uri, Switzerland
80mm x 50mm x 30mm
From: The Arkenstone
Garnet + Smoky Quartz + Orthoclase.
Yunxiao Co., Zhangzhou, Fujian, China
$858 *
121mm x 103mm x 32mm
From: A Bijoux
Cassiterite with Quartz / Smoky Quartz Phantoms
Viloco Mine, Loayza Province, La Paz Department, Bolivia
50mm x 38mm x 27mm
From: Mineral Classics
Apatite & Smoky Quartz
Grupo Embeiral Quarry | Sezures | Penalva do Castelo | Mangualde | Viseu | Portugal
$542 *
48mm x 35mm x 23mm
From: Wendel Minerals
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