Heulandite Subgroup specimens
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Wasson Bluff (Wassons Bluff), Parrsboro, Cumberland Co., Nova Scotia, Canada
21mm x 18mm x 19mm
From: Quebul Fine Minerals
Heulandite with Mordenite
Amudika River, near Mirny, Yakutia, Siberia, Russia
42mm x 30mm x 22mm
From: Marin Minerals
Ciamol Alp, Fassa Valley, Trento Province, Trentino-Alto Adige Region, Italy
103mm x 95mm x 56mm
From: Bob Griffis Minerals
Chabazite on Heulandite
Upper Quarry, New St., Paterson, New Jersey, USA
40mm x 30mm x 20mm
From: The Arkenstone
Heulandite with Mordenite, Calcite
Amudika River, near Mirny, Yakutia, Siberia, Russia
35mm x 30mm x 20mm
From: Marin Minerals
Heulandite with Stilbite
Jalgon, Maharashtra State, India
80mm x 63mm x 53mm
From: The Crystal Circle
Cavansite on Heulandite
Wagholi, Pune District, Maharashtra, India
$22 *
40mm x 28mm x 25mm
From: Taranis Minerals
Fluorapophyllite with Heulandite
Jalgaon Dist., Maharashtra, India
60mm x 60mm x 40mm
From: The Arkenstone
Cavansite with Heulandite and Calcite
roadcut near Owyhee dam, Matheur Co., Oregon, USA
20mm x 20mm x 10mm
From: The Arkenstone
Heulandite with Stilbite
Jalgon, Maharashtra State, India
53mm x 42mm x 31mm
From: The Crystal Circle
Analcime with Heulandite
Frombach, Seisser Alps, Italy (formerly Austria)
100mm x 70mm x 60mm
From: The Arkenstone
Cimella Alm, Fassa Valley, South Tyrol, Italy
54mm x 49mm x 60mm
From: GreatCrystals.com