Augelite with Chlorargyrite (Ref: 823660347)
Machacamarca Mine, Colavi, Saavedra Province, Potosi Department, Bolivia
41mm x 28mm x 23mm
minID: MVG-TT0
An attractive display specimen of Augelite featuring a few sharp, translucent, whitish color, somewhat blocky monoclinic crystals which are associated with small white prismatic Quartz crystals and very rarely seen pale chartreuse-green Chlorargyrite on matrix. This is one of the very few specimensData last checked on 14th Sep 2021 - specimen may no longer be available
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From: Mineral Classics
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See Also
Augelite with Chalcanthite
Machacamarca Mine, Colavi, Saavedra Province, Potosi Department, Bolivia
75mm x 51mm x 25mm
From: Mineral Classics
Augelite with Quartz and Jamesonite(?)
Machacamarca Mine, Colavi, Saavedra Province, Potosi Department, Bolivia
102mm x 70mm x 23mm
From: Mineral Classics
Augelite included with Jamesonite(?)
Machacamarca Mine, Colavi, Saavedra Province, Potosi Department, Bolivia
28mm x 22mm x 13mm
From: Mineral Classics
Augelite (twin)(?)
Machacamarca Mine, Colavi, Saavedra Province, Potosi Department, Bolivia
57mm x 22mm x 19mm
From: Mineral Classics
Augelite (gemmy twin)
Machacamarca Mine, Colavi, Saavedra Province, Potosi Department, Bolivia
98mm x 72mm x 63mm
From: Mineral Classics
Tasna Mine, Rosario section of Cerro Tasna, Atocha-Quechisla District, Nor Chichas Province, Potosi Department, Bolivia
22mm x 19mm x 13mm
From: Mineral Classics
Wavellite (large crystals !) with Stannite and Augelite
Siglo XX Mine (Siglo Veinte Mine), Llallagua, Bustillo Province, Potosi Department, Bolivia
92mm x 64mm x 22mm
From: Mineral Classics
Augelite on Quartz
Tamboras Mine, Mundo Nuevo, Huamachuco, Sanchez Carrion Province, La Libertad Department, Peru
$253 *
47mm x 25mm x 12mm
From: Taranis Minerals
Chlorargyrite, Azurite, Cerussite
Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia
75mm x 50mm x 35mm
From: Marin Minerals
Rapid Creek, Dawson Mining District, Yukon Territory, Canada
22mm x 18mm x 11mm
From: Quebul Fine Minerals
Chlorargyrite Var. Bromian
Broken Hill | Yancowinna Co. | New South Wales | Australia
$181 *
36mm x 21mm x 13mm
From: Wendel Minerals
Chlorargyrite, Cerussite, Azurite
Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia
35mm x 25mm x 15mm
From: Marin Minerals
Rapid Creek, Dawson Mining District, Yukon Territory, Canada
84mm x 27mm x 23mm
From: Quebul Fine Minerals