Quartz, Halloysite
Quartz, Halloysite Quartz, Halloysite Quartz, Halloysite Quartz, Halloysite Quartz, Halloysite Quartz, Halloysite Quartz, Halloysite
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Quartz, Halloysite (Ref: ccmq202401)

Chivor Mine, Boyaca Dept., Colombia
81mm x 52mm x 41mm
A very choice and quite colorful example of "Mango Quartz" from the recent finds at the Chivor mine in Colombia. It features a graceful grouping of sharp Quartz crystals that have gem-clear bottoms and inclusions of bright orange Halloysite in their terminations. Gracefully composed with lots of fine details for you to explore all over.
Data last checked on 29th Jul 2024 - specimen may no longer be available

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See Also

Quartz, Halloysite
Chivor Mine, Boyaca Dept., Colombia
98mm x 85mm x 54mm
Quartz on Chalcopyrite and Sphalerite
Animon Mine, San Jose de Huayllay District, Cerro de Pasco Province, Dept. de Pasco, Peru
57mm x 44mm x 32mm
Hubnerite on Quartz
Mundo Nuevo Mine, Huamachuco, Sanchez Carrion Province, Dept. de La Libertad, Peru
76mm x 47mm x 45mm
Fluorite on Quartz
El Gaudro Mine (Mina El Gaudro), Talampaya, La Rioja, Argentina
60mm x 50mm x 30mm
Sphalerite ( var. Cleophane ) and Galena on Quartz
Deveti Septemvri (9th of September) mine, Madan ore field, Rhodope Mts, Smolyan Oblast, Bulgaria
123mm x 97mm x 65mm
Hubnerite with Quartz
Pasto Bueno, Ancash Dept., Peru
75mm x 70mm x 45mm
Fluorapophyllite with Inesite, Hubeite, Quartz
Fengjiashan Mine, Daye Co., Hubei, China
70mm x 60mm x 40mm
Mimetite on Quartz
Dry Gill Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumberland, England
45mm x 40mm x 30mm
Fluorapatite with Siderite, Quartz
Panasqueira Mines, Covilha, Castelo Branco, Portugal
45mm x 40mm x 20mm
Quartz scepter
Petersen Mountain Quartz Mines, Hallelujah Junction area, Washoe County, Nevada, USA
90mm x 55mm x 45mm
Scorzalite / (rare) / with Quartz
Estano Orcko mine, Colavi District, Saavedra Province, Potosi Department
64mm x 40mm x 37mm
Rhodochrosite with Quartz on Sphalerite
Eagle Mine, Gilman, Eagle County, Colorado
52mm x 51mm x 22mm
Pyromorphite with Quartz
Saint-Salvy mine, Tarn, Midi-Pyrenees, France
75mm x 75mm x 55mm
Fluorite with Quartz
Ruyuan Fluorite Mine, Ruyuan Co., Shaoguan Prefecture, Guangdong Province, China
67mm x 49mm x 34mm
Sphalerite, quartz, chlorite
Borieva Mine, Madan ore field, Rhodope Mts., Bulgaria
77mm x 48mm x 25mm
* price is an approximate conversion and may not be accurate.

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