
Mineral Specimens from Wendel Minerals

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Dolomite Cast perimorph after Calcite
Tsumeb Mine (Tsumcorp Mine) | Tsumeb | Otjikoto Region | Namibia
$542 *
106mm x 60mm x 38mm
José Maria Patoni | San Juan del Rio | Durango | Mexico
$542 *
72mm x 57mm x 33mm
Rhodochrosite & Quartz
Sunnyside Mine | Silverton | Animas Dist. | Colorado | USA
$782 *
56mm x 39mm x 22mm
Scheelite on Quartz
Penouta Mine | Boal | Asturias | Spain
$1083 *
76mm x 66mm x 39mm
Baia Sprie Mine (Felsobánya Mine) | Baia Sprie | Maramureș | Romania
$421 *
57mm x 30mm x 16mm
Tsumeb Mine (Tsumcorp Mine) | Tsumeb | Otjikoto Region | Namibia
$1444 *
60mm x 51mm x 32mm
Fluorite & Smoky Quartz
Älpligletscher (Alpli Glacier) | Grimsel | Bern Canton | Switzerland
$1083 *
32mm x 30mm x 28mm
Tannebaumstollen | Antonsthal | Schwarzenberg | Erzgebirge | Saxony | Germany
$289 *
66mm x 49mm x 33mm
Aegirine on Microcline
Mount Malosa | Zomba Plateau | Chilwa Alkaline Area | Malawi
$1444 *
111mm x 74mm x 53mm
Simplon Railway Tunnel | Brig | Valais | Switzerland
$2889 *
81mm x 47mm x 37mm
Alchuri | Shigar District | Gilgit-Baltistan | Pakistan
$722 *
45mm x 31mm x 27mm
Xanda Mine | Virgem da Lapa | Minas Gerais | Brazil
$481 *
61mm x 40mm x 34mm
Fontsante Mine | Tanneron | Var | Provence-Alpes-Côte d´Azur | France
$409 *
70mm x 65mm x 27mm
Pyrite on Calcite
Příbram | Bohemia | Czech Republic
$217 *
68mm x 42mm x 41mm
Wathlingen | Celle | Lower Saxony | Germany
$2167 *
51mm x 33mm x 21mm
Laxey Mine | South Mountain Mining District | Owyhee County | Idaho | USA
$421 *
46mm x 37mm x 26mm
Gloucester Mine | Postmasburg Manganese Field | Northern Cape | South Africa
$1806 *
59mm x 58mm x 31mm
Elbaite & Lepidolite
Cruzeiro Mine | São José da Safira | Minas Gerais | Brazil
$3009 *
74mm x 73mm x 21mm
Hematite & Rutile
Mörchnerkar | Zemmgrund | Zillertal | Tyrol | Austria
$421 *
39mm x 29mm x 23mm
Fluorite & Apatite
Sauberg Mine | Ehrenfriedersdorf | Erzgebirge | Saxony | Germany
$518 *
62mm x 48mm x 33mm
* price is an approximate conversion and may not be accurate.

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