Bixbyite-(Mn) specimens
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Bixbyite With Topaz
Solarwind Claim, Thomas Range (North), Thomas Range, Juab Co., Utah, USA
20mm x 20mm x 10mm
From: The Arkenstone
Topaz with Bixbyite
Topaz Mountain, Thomas Range, Juab Co., Utah, USA
27mm x 14mm x 11mm
From: Bob Griffis Minerals
Red Beryl with Bixbyite
Searle Canyon Mine, Thomas Range, Juab Co., Utah, USA
60mm x 35mm x 25mm
From: Marin Minerals
Bixbyite with Topaz
Solar Wind claim, Thomas Range, Juab Co., Utah, USA
20mm x 20mm x 18mm
From: Bob Griffis Minerals
Bixbyite with Topaz
Thomas Range, Juab County, Utah, USA
9mm x 9mm x 8mm
From: Bob Griffis Minerals
Bixbyite (note size and locality!)
Ultevis, Lappland, Sweden
60mm x 40mm x 20mm
From: The Arkenstone
Wessels Mine, Kalahari, North Cape Prov., South Africa
40mm x 30mm x 30mm
From: The Arkenstone
N'Chwaning II Mine, Kuruman, Kalahari Manganese Field, Northern Cape, South Africa
50mm x 40mm x 20mm
From: The Arkenstone
Bixbyite on Hematite (pseudo. Garnet)
Thomas Range, Juab County, Utah, USA
14mm x 10mm x 9mm
From: Bob Griffis Minerals
Bixbyite and Topaz
Thomas Range, Juab County, Utah, USA
30mm x 20mm x 10mm
From: The Arkenstone
Bixbyite with Topaz
Solar Wind claim, Thomas Range, Juab Co., Utah, USA
30mm x 28mm x 25mm
From: Bob Griffis Minerals
Bixbyite-(Mn), topaz
Topaz Mountain, Thomas Range, Utah, USA
25mm x 20mm x 15mm
From: Spirifer Minerals
Bixbyite, topaz GREAT COMBO
Topaz Mountain, Thomas Range, Utah, USA
30mm x 26mm x 23mm
From: Spirifer Minerals
Bixbyite, topaz GREAT COMBO
Topaz Mountain, Thomas Range, Utah, USA
24mm x 22mm x 15mm
From: Spirifer Minerals
Bixbyite with Topaz
Topaz Mountain, Thomas Range, Juab Co., Utah, USA
$114 *
33mm x 23mm x 14mm
From: Taranis Minerals
Bixbyite with Topaz and Pseudobrookite
Topaz Mountain, Thomas Range, Juab Co., Utah, USA
$96 *
41mm x 34mm x 18mm
From: Taranis Minerals
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