Colemanite with Todorokite
Colemanite with Todorokite Colemanite with Todorokite Colemanite with Todorokite Colemanite with Todorokite
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Colemanite with Todorokite (Ref: CMC5)

Corkscrew Mine, Furnace Creek District, near Ryan, Death Valley, Inyo County, California, USA
150mm x 120mm x 58mm
minID: 4AM-C1X
This complete-floater Colemanite specimen is from the old Corkscrew Mine located inside Death Valley National Monument. It is comprised of intergrown, glassy colorless spheroidal aggregates of Colemanite crystals, with scattered inclusions of black Todorokite. Single crystals to 4 mm are also present. There are a few points of contact, and it is in excellent condition. This was found in the 1980s, and collecting here is now forbidden. Fluorescent yellow in both SW and LW Ultraviolet light.

Data last checked on 5th Feb 2025 - specimen may no longer be available

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All photos for this item are copyright © Bob Griffis Minerals and may not be used for any other purpose without permission.

See Also

Colemanite with Todorokite
Corkscrew Mine, Furnace Creek District, near Ryan, Death Valley, Inyo County, California, USA
113mm x 87mm x 56mm
Colemanite with Nobleite?
Corkscrew Mine, Furnace Creek District, near Ryan, Death Valley, Inyo County, California, USA
107mm x 104mm x 82mm
Corkscrew Mine, Furnace Creek District, near Ryan, Death Valley, Inyo County, California, USA
145mm x 111mm x 77mm
White Monster Mine, Furnace Creek District, near Ryan, Death Valley, Inyo County, California, USA
154mm x 122mm x 100mm
Celestine with Colemanite, Hydroboracite
Bigadic mine, Balikesir, Marmara, Turkey
105mm x 90mm x 65mm
Boron, Kern Co., California, USA
80mm x 55mm x 40mm
Malachite with Calcite
Blue Star Mine, Saline Valley, Inyo County, California, USA
46mm x 42mm x 22mm
Cerussite on Galena
Darwin Mine, New Coso District, near Darwin, Inyo County, California, USA
91mm x 82mm x 58mm
Quartz (var. Smoky) with Epidote
Death Valley, Inyo County, California, USA
76mm x 35mm x 22mm
Cerro Gordo Mine, Cerro Gordo District, Inyo County, California, USA
46mm x 35mm x 33mm
Cerro Gordo Mine, Cerro Gordo District, Inyo County, California, USA
48mm x 42mm x 42mm
Copper with Cuprite
Inspiration Mine, Globe-Miami District, near Globe, Gila County, Arizona, USA
48mm x 28mm x 17mm
Chesapeake Bay, Calvert Co., Maryland, USA
30mm x 20mm
Elbaite tourmaline
Himalaya Mine, Mesa Grande District, Mesa Grande, San Diego County, California, USA
25mm x 19mm x 10mm
Quartz with Elbaite and Lepidolite
Stewart Mine, Pala District, San Diego County, California, USA
63mm x 52mm x 33mm
* price is an approximate conversion and may not be accurate.

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