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Millosevichite (Ref: 4811020)

Kladno mine, Libusin, Bohemia, Czech Republic
100mm x 70mm x 40mm
Colorless masses throughout this matrix. Good example for the species.Sorry. This specimen has been sold. Please view alternatives below.

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See Also

Huemulite and Pascoite
H14F Uranium mine #21 (Shaft #21 mine), Pribram-Haje, Central Bohemia, Czech Republic
10mm x 10mm
Kaatialaite with Skutterudite
Svornost mine, Jachymov, Krusne Hory Mts (Erzgebirge), Bohemia, Czech Republic
90mm x 50mm x 50mm
Vésigniéite. 239.9 ct.
Horní Kalná, Bohemia, Czech Republic
$152 *
45mm x 38mm x 30mm
From: A Bijoux
Silver (pseudo Dyscrasite)
Uranium Mine No. 21, Haje, Příbram, Central Bohemia Region, Bohemia, Czech Republic
36mm x 26mm x 17mm
Schoenfliesite with Wickmanite, Hulsite and Chalcopyrite in Magnetite
Zlaty Kopec, Jachymov district, Karlovy Vary Region, Bohemia, Czech Republic
50mm x 30mm x 20mm
Pribram, Bohemia,, Czech Republic
106mm x 39mm x 83mm
Smrkovecite (type locality) with Petitjeanite
Smrkovec Ag-Bi-As-U deposit, Marianske Lazne, Karlovy Vary Region, Bohemia, Czech Republic
20mm x 10mm x 10mm
Pyrite on Calcite
Příbram | Bohemia | Czech Republic
$192 *
68mm x 42mm x 41mm
Feldspar after Leucite
Louena, Ostrov, Krusne Hory Mts., Karlovy Vary, Bohemia, Czech Republic
50mm x 45mm x 45mm
Vinarice, Kladno, Central Bohemia, Czech Repubic
14mm x 6mm x 10mm
Cobaltian Calcite
Mashashamba Ouest Mine, Kowezi, Katanga districe, Shaba Province, Republic of the Congo [Zaire]
129mm x 45mm x 39mm
Wessels mine, N\'Chwanning, Kalahari Mn Fields, Republic of South Africa
35mm x 22mm x 20mm
Chalcocite CONGO!
M`passa Mine, Mindouli District, Pool Department, Republic of the Congo
29mm x 25mm x 23mm
Shinkolobwe Mine, Katanga Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo
38mm x 32mm x 20mm
Dioptase, quartz
N`tola Mine, Mindouli District, Pool Department, Republic of the Congo
21mm x 18mm x 17mm
* price is an approximate conversion and may not be accurate.

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